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Summer is a time of adventure and excitement for teenagers, especially those with new driving privileges. However, it's important to be aware of the dangers. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has reported that 3,058 teenagers aged 13-19 lost their lives in motor vehicle crashes in 2021. Parents and guardians should make sure to monitor their child's driving habits to minimize the risks associated with their newfound independence.

Even after Georgia's Teenage & Adult Driver Responsibility Act (TADRA) program, it is important that teenagers exercise safety precautions. Proper driving law education paired with continued safety awareness can help reduce the risks of accidents on the road. Keep reading to learn more tips for teen safety behind the wheel.

1. Use Rideshare Services

With newfound independence often comes a desire for freedom in all aspects, including transportation. However, as a parent or guardian, safety remains a top priority. Fortunately, rideshare apps can offer a solution that satisfies both parties.

Uber has recently announced that it will begin providing transportation services to teen riders, allowing them to enjoy a ride with their friends while maintaining their security with an experienced driver. This option enables teens to attend social events this summer while giving parents peace of mind about their safety.

2. Do Not Allow Cellphone Use While Driving

As a parent, you undoubtedly worry about your teenager's safety when they're out on the road. Distracted driving has resulted in thousands of deaths over the past years. Georgia's Hands-Free Law is in place to prevent this danger, and it's crucial that you make sure your teen adheres to it.

Remind them that texting, emailing, and social media use are all strictly prohibited while driving, and emphasize the potentially deadly consequences of disregarding this rule. If necessary, consider implementing consequences such as taking away the car keys or cellphone privileges to keep your child safe.

3. Do Not Provide Your Children with Alcohol

As a parent, one of the most important things you can do is set a good example for your child. This includes being responsible with alcohol, especially when it comes to their friends.

In addition, consider putting your alcohol in an area of your home where it is not accessible to your teen and their friends. If you can't keep your liquor supply under lock and key, try to monitor it to ensure it's not being accessed without your consent. By creating a safe and responsible environment, you're helping the kids in your community reach adulthood safely.

4. Drive During Permitted Hours

As a parent of a teenager with an Intermediate Provisional License (Class D), it's important to make sure they are aware of the driving restrictions that come with this type of license. Specifically, your teen is not allowed to drive between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 am, without exception.

It's important for your teen to understand these restrictions so they can abide by them and avoid any potential legal consequences. Keep your teen informed about their driving privileges and restrictions to promote safe and responsible driving habits.

5. Minimize the Number of People in the Vehicle

As parents, we want to keep our teen drivers safe on the road. That's why it's important to know the restrictions that come with their Class D license. One of these restrictions is the number of passengers allowed in the vehicle while they drive.

Passenger restrictions for a Class D license include:

  • During the first six months following issuance, only immediate members are allowed to ride in the vehicle.
  • During the second six months after issuance, only one passenger under 21 years old who is not a member of the driver’s immediate family is allowed to ride in the vehicle.
  • After one year from the date of issuance, only three passengers under 21 who are not family members of the driver’s immediate family are allowed to ride in the vehicle.

By following these restrictions and limiting the number of passengers in your teen's car, this can help reduce distractions and increase their concentration, making it a win-win situation for everyone involved.

What If My Teen Gets in a Car Accident?

As a parent, you make it a priority to ensure your teen receives proper driving education and takes precautions to stay safe on the road. However, even the most cautious drivers can be involved in accidents caused by the negligence of others.

If your teen is ever in this situation, it's important to seek legal representation from our experienced car accident attorneys at Goldstein Hayes & Lina, LLC. Our team has the knowledge and skills necessary to guide you through the legal process and help you pursue the compensation your family deserves.

Don't wait - reach out to us at (888) 425-6070 or schedule a free consultation with us online.
